Posted on 02/7/2025 23:10 PM (The Daily Register)
Posted on 02/5/2025 16:03 PM (OnePeterFive)

Because of these things, I understand why Fr. Brownson has his concerns.
Posted on 02/4/2025 16:16 PM (OnePeterFive)

The Greeks had true Vera, but no Pravda.
Posted on 02/3/2025 16:14 PM (OnePeterFive)

Deeply religious and of impeccable morality, Palestrina was also a practical businessman.
Posted on 02/3/2025 08:26 AM (OnePeterFive)

I was reading Peter Kwasniewski‘s Substack and he alerted me to the following important announcement. —- The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter has asked clergy and laity to join them in a novena from February 2 to 10. The Communiqué from the Fribourg HQ reads as follows: Three years ago, at a moment of deep ...
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Posted on 02/1/2025 10:33 AM (OnePeterFive)

The Feast we celebrate this Sunday is called the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On this day we definitively close out the Advent/Christmas cycle. It is forty days since Christmas. According to Mosaic Law, women who had given birth were required to offer a sacrifice for ritual purification. Of course, Our Lady was not ...
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Posted on 01/31/2025 17:07 PM (OnePeterFive)

In Two Families: A Memoir of English Life During and After the Council, Joseph Bevan peels back the curtain on one family’s devastating encounter with liturgical revolution, and another’s inspiring emergence from the ruins. Both of these families are his own, considered in each direction of the family tree: he begins by recounting life with ...
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Posted on 01/30/2025 06:00 AM (OnePeterFive)

He identified the rationalistic theology influenced by the rise of Aristotelianism with the “smoke rising from the abyss” (Apocalypse 9:21).
Posted on 01/29/2025 06:00 AM (OnePeterFive)

Many of the heroes mentioned in the book Defenders of Christendom were forced to face their enemies without the help of their Catholic neighbors.
Posted on 01/28/2025 06:00 AM (OnePeterFive)

One of the most important and controversial tsars in Russian history.