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Testimony Calls for Policy Changes to Protect Christians and other Minorities in the Middle East
Posted on 12/9/2015 05:00 AM (News from the Knights of Columbus)
In testimony before the House Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights and International Organization, Supreme Knight Carl Anderson today provided four policy recommendations to address the on-going crisis of Christian and other religious minorities in Syria and Iraq.
Testimony of Mr. Carl A. Anderson before the House Foreign Affairs Committee
Posted on 12/9/2015 05:00 AM (News from the Knights of Columbus)
Thank you for the opportunity to appear before this subcommittee and discuss the Knights of Columbus humanitarian aid programs. Over the course of the past year, our programs have helped feed, heal, shelter and educate many thousands of desperate Christians in church-run camps or other private places of refuge in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.
Opening Mass for Jubilee of Mercy Broadcastin Ultra HD
Posted on 12/8/2015 05:00 AM (News from the Knights of Columbus)
The opening Mass for the Jubilee of Mercy and the opening of the Holy Door at St. Peter’s Basilica, held Dec. 8, was seen around the world in greater clarity than previously possible, thanks to an overhaul of the video equipment used by Vatican Television Centre (CTV) .
State Department Urged Not to Exclude Christians from Middle Eastern Genocide Declaration
Posted on 12/4/2015 05:00 AM (News from the Knights of Columbus)
Christians must not be excluded from a finding of genocide in the Middle East, according to a letter sent today to Secretary of State John Kerry.
Journey to the Inn
Posted on 12/2/2015 05:00 AM (News from the Knights of Columbus)
In an increasingly secular world, many Catholics are faced with the difficulty of sharing the faith. With the bustle of Christmas shopping and the frequent removal of religious imagery from Christmas displays, it seems that communities have forgotten the incredible gift of Christ and the beauty of his birth.
Our Mission to Build the Domestic Church and Strengthen Parish Life
Posted on 12/1/2015 05:00 AM (News from the Knights of Columbus)
On Nov. 20, I delivered the following address at the Order’s midyear organizational meeting of state deputies in San Antonio. I encourage all brother Knights to read and reflect on these remarks, in which I outline key principles for the future growth and work of the Knights of Columbus.
$100 Billion: A Milestone in Protection
Posted on 12/1/2015 05:00 AM (News from the Knights of Columbus)
I think it is a testament to three things: the quality of our business, the trust our members have in the Knights of Columbus, and our dedicated agents who represent us in the field
Connecticut Knights of Columbus Distribute Kids Coats on ‘Black Friday’
Posted on 11/27/2015 05:00 AM (News from the Knights of Columbus)
As many headed out to shop on the day after Thanksgiving, hundreds of area children received a free and much-needed gift as the Knights of Columbus distributed new winter coats to children in need at six sites throughout Connecticut on Black Friday, Nov. 27.
Knights of Columbus Support New Haven Day of Giving
Posted on 11/23/2015 05:00 AM (News from the Knights of Columbus)
The Knights of Columbus supported a food distribution program led by New Haven-based ministry His Divine Fellowship on Saturday, Nov. 21, at Wexler-Grant Community School.
Homily of Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori
Posted on 11/22/2015 05:00 AM (News from the Knights of Columbus)
What a pleasure to celebrate the beautiful feast of Christ the King with all of you, the family of the Knights of Columbus. For our knighthood is at the service of Jesus Christ, our great king and shepherd, and our gallant service seeks to advance not an earthly kingdom but rather a kingdom “not of this world,” the kingdom of God. Let us then hasten to make inroads into this feast by turning our attention to the King, to his kingdom, and to our citizenship in that kingdom.